Welcome to MOVIN ON UP K9 (Canine, K-9) Training. Dog trainer, Nancy Creal from Auburn California, says, "We make training fun for you and your dog, we accept all ages, breeds and levels. We offer agility, obedience, puppy socialization, canine, life and social skills, rally classes and therapy dog certifications. We use positive motivational effective fun! Build a lifetime bond with your dog through fun and positive classes!"
So put your Paws down and Come to Class!
MOVIN ON UP K9 Training

You'll work together with your Instructor to build a lifetime bond with your dog through fun and positive classes!
Nancy Creal/Auburn California
(Owner and Director of Instructors)
Canine Good Citizens Canine Good Citizens C.L.A.S.S. Canine Life and Social Skills
Our Goals

Our goals are to teach you to train your dog, develop your interest in dog obedience and other exiting dog venues (such as rally, agility, and conformation) increase your enjoyment and love of your dog, and have fun. Whether you are an experienced professional dog handler or an exasperated family pooch owner, we can provide you with top quality training in the Auburn area. All breeds are welcome, from purebreds to pound puppies. We are pleased that you are interested in joining us for dog training. Please come visit the center, ask questions and observe classes.

Our Approach

  • FUN
What is Our Training Philosophy?

Our philosophy is to train dogs in focus and attention. We want to teach you how to build a relationship with your dog; a relationship where your dog is focused completely on you regardless of what is going on around you. When you build this type of relationship you are building the dogs trust in you and it is done interacting with your dog through games. You want to build a quick response with your dog and keep him glued to you guessing what is going to come next.

We teach you how to make training fun for both you and your dog rather then making it that dreaded "now I have to do obedience routine." This builds a happier, healthier relationship and makes your time training fun for both you and the dog while he is learning what you want. We teach you to take the guess work out of training so the dog has a clear understanding of what you want. The dog becomes much more confidant and happier working because he learns how to choose the right behavior to get the reward so there is no more guess work involved.

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