So put your Paws down and Come to Class!
MOVIN ON UP K9 Training

You'll work together with your Instructor to build a lifetime bond with your dog through fun and positive classes!
Nancy Creal/Auburn California
(Owner and Director of Instructors)
Home >> Programs >> Rally >> Excellence

Rally O Excellent Training Class

EXCELLENT — this third and highest level of AKC Rally is the most challenging.

  • Exercises are performed off-leash except for the honor exercise.
  • There is a requirement of 15 to 20 stations, with no more than 7 stationary exercises.
  • Handlers are only allowed to encourage their dogs verbally. Physical encouragement is not allowed at this level.
  • The Excellent-level exercises include backing up three steps, while the dog stays in the heel position and a moving stand, while the handler walks around the dog.

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